We use a number of highly-effective adjusting approaches to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference. The approach we use is based on our clinical judgment and years of experience. The primary adjusting techniques we use include:

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This is a system of spinal evaluation combined with a handheld adjusting instrument that delivers a consistent, low-force thrust. Because it’s many times faster than adjustments delivered by hand, the body rarely tightens to resist, making adjustments comfortable and effective. It’s also helpful for adjusting elbows, wrists, knees, and other joints of the body.


We use a special table so we can traction your spine, opening up the spacing between spinal vertebrae and relieving pressure to the spinal. This is a gentle, non-force adjusting approach. The thing that most patients notice first is our special table. The movements of this table help traction the spine, opening up compressed spinal discs and reducing pressure on facet joints of the spine. Named after its developer, Dr. James Cox, this highly-effective technique combines osteopathic principles with the specific, highly-directed approach used in chiropractic. The combination offers a conservative resolution of low back and leg pain that often averts the need for surgery. The Cox Flexion-Distraction technique we use gives us the ability to place spinal joints in a more normal motion and position without pain or aggravating your condition. By lying on the table, neutralizing the effects of gravity, we’re able to gently separate spinal joints and move them through a more normal range of motion. Patients find this surprisingly pleasant. We find it powerfully effective.


After identifying which vertebrae have lost their normal motion or position, a specific manual thrust is applied to free up “stuck” spinal joints. With the malposition of one or more spinal bones identified, a specific manual thrust is administered. The direction, speed, depth, and angle that are used are the result of years of experience, practice, and a thorough understanding of spinal mechanics. The energy delivered during the thrust may produce a slight “popping” sound from the shifting of gas and fluids in the joint. This sound may be interesting but is not a guide as to the value or effectiveness of the adjustment. While improving spinal biomechanics can reduce nervous system interferences, virtually all joints of the body can be adjusted to help restore proper range of motion.


Thompson Terminal Point technique is a system of analysis and a special table that reduces the amount of energy needed to adjust your spine. Individual cushions or “drop pieces” located along our table surface support each area of your spine until the thrust is delivered. Then, each drop piece gently gives way, reducing the amount of energy needed to move a specific spinal segment.

 *If you’ve been to a chiropractor before and prefer to be adjusted in a particular way, let us know. We want you to relax, enjoy and fully benefit from your chiropractic care.